Fun pasta games for kids with colored spaghetti

Children of different ages, from babies to preschoolers, can play with these fun pasta games for kids.

After a morning of color, discovery, and other fun pasta games for kids – as you could read in my previous post – I put some of our wonder toy aside for a later play date. Well…this came sooner than I thought as the kids wanted to continue playing with the fun pasta in the afternoon of the same day.

How to turn colored spaghetti into some fun pasta games for kids of different ages. My 3 explorers, a baby, a toddler and a preschooler made their own fun pasta games:

spelen met gekleurde spaghetti

spelen met gekleurde spaghetti

Elena (7 months), investigated with curiosity the spaghetti. Feeling the texture, checking the color and exercising her fine motor skills while trying to get hold of the piece she was interested in. Lots of colorful fun for our (not so little any more) baby. This was a sensory and fun pasta game for her.

Lukas (2,5 years) found it very interesting to mix the spaghetti with a spoon. He told me that it could not be done with the hand as the steering needs to be done always with a spoon.

Then, once the steering was done we played some more fun pasta games for kids and tried to find the the transparent spoon in the spaghetti pot. He was hiding it and amazingly enough I was not able to see it, while of course he did manage  to find it. This last game gave him so much satisfaction!

It is funny to discuss with my toddler Lukas , at the age when he is so keen on keeping routines and sticking to procedures.  I specially enjoy to hear him explain to me how things should be done and how they shouldn’t 🙂

spelen met gekleurde spaghetti

Victoria (4 years) had her own fun pasta games for kids. She was interested in stacking and sorting by color, and she got me and her brother involved in this. While she was busy sorting the pink spaghetti (yes..she adores pink!) me and Lukas had to work on the green ones. So while sorting, I was discussing with Lukas about the color of the different spaghetti in the bowl and trying to figure out together which ones were the green ones.

spelen met gekleurde spaghetti This was quite a fun afternoon and I was happy to see that although of different ages all my little ones enjoyed the fun pasta games for kids we did that day.

If you want to try this out yourself at home -and I encourage you to do so- make sure to put something on the floor that you don’t mind getting dirty, cause these fun pasta games for kids are a bit messy.  If  you’d rather have a no mess kids activity, have a look at this sensory activities with rice, or see here another method to color pasta without boiling it.

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2 Responses to Fun pasta games for kids with colored spaghetti

  1. Pingback: Colored spaghetti - sensory activity for kids of all ages

  2. Pingback: How to turn rice into a sensory activity for babies and toddlers

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